Surviving Masculinity


Become the Scout

Become the Scout: Master the Art of Wilderness Invisibility

Embark on a transformative journey into the heart of nature with our immersive 5-day “Become the Scout” course, the pinnacle of wilderness expertise. Designed as the capstone experience for those who have completed our introductory and advanced survival courses, this program delves deep into the ancient art of invisibility within the natural realm. Immerse yourself in the mastery of stealth, camouflage, wilderness survival, and the age-old practice of tracking. Unleash your potential and unlock the secrets of becoming the ultimate scout.

What to Expect:
  • Expert-Led Readings: Immerse yourself in selected readings that explore the history, philosophy, and techniques of wilderness invisibility.
  • Guided Practical Exercises: Engage in transformative hands-on exercises that hone your skills in stealth, camouflage, and tracking.
  • Online Small Group Sessions: Participate in dynamic virtual discussions and practical exercises, fostering camaraderie with fellow participants.
  • Advanced Stealth Techniques: Delve into advanced stealth strategies to move undetected through various terrains and environments.
  • In-Depth Camouflage: Master the art of blending with your surroundings through expert guidance on effective camouflage techniques.
  • Ancient Tracking Wisdom: Uncover the secrets of tracking animals and humans, learning to read the stories left behind in nature.
  • Wilderness Immersion: Spend five days in the wild, applying your newfound skills in an intensive, real-world scenario.
Why Choose Our “Become the Scout” Course:

This course stands as the ultimate challenge for those seeking to refine their wilderness skills and connect with nature on a profound level. By uniting expert knowledge with hands-on experiences and virtual discussions, we provide a comprehensive platform for growth. Whether you’re an avid outdoorsperson, a seasoned survivalist, or simply yearning for a life-changing adventure, this course offers an unprecedented opportunity to become the ultimate scout.

Master the Art of Invisibility:

Transform your relationship with the natural world and harness the ancient wisdom of becoming the ultimate scout. By delving into the realms of stealth, camouflage, and tracking, you’ll unveil the secrets of wilderness invisibility that have guided generations of scouts throughout history. Join us in this transformative journey to embrace the wild and emerge as a master of the art of survival.

Cost: $800


  • Introduction and Advanced Survival courses OR special arrangement with instructors
  • Run 2 miles non-stop
  • Hike 5 miles with 35 pounds
  • Ability to perform pushing, pulling, jumping, stretching, and rotational movements

Course Format:

This course has a reading, practice, and online discussion format component. The online portion of the class starts 6 to 8 weeks before the in-person training.

For questions, please Contact Us. To register, follow This Link, or use the form below.